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Why video production is imperative to your marketing budget

Video is a highly engaging and memorable medium that can capture the attention of viewers and convey a message in a way that is more effective than text or static images.
Not only that but videos can help increase conversions by providing a more immersive and interactive experience that can persuade viewers to take action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.

Video also has the potential to reach a wider audience through social media platforms, video sharing sites, and other online channels, which can increase brand awareness and generate leads. Find out more benefits below. x

Social Media Advertising

The world has changed and gone are the days of television broadcast advertising. Your customers are watching and sharing social media video content daily and users are hungry for more and more video content. Any brand that’s not creating video and promoting it on social media, is missing out on huge opportunities. The good news is, corporate video production is more affordable than ever before .

Stay ahead of the pack

Your competitors are already leveraging social video content and a 2020 survey by the Web Marketing Video Council proves that. They found that 85 percent of businesses are using video as a marketing tool rather than print media. In the previous year, 55 percent of those businesses were not using video at all. It’s clear that corporate video production is important for growing your brand .

Better Engagement

People prefer not to read content anymore. Imagine you purchased a new camera and would like to know how to film a time-lapse. Would you read the 1000 word write up or watch a 1 minute video tutorial? Video is a far better way to draw attention to or explain your brand. It shows off your brand, it’s easier to understand and has the ability to be shared amongst different social platforms .

SEO Friendly

Video is unique in its ability to connect with viewers on an emotional level and is the preferred form of media nowadays. Social networks favour video in their algorithms, knowing that this rich content is favoured by users. Thus, not only helping with SEO scores and algorithms, but video gives your business an easy way to showcase its products and services in a precise way which is favoured by social networks .

Viral Video

Many people confuse social video with viral video, but there’s a key difference. Social media videos may not get millions of views but can still be a success. If your company sells office furniture, a video that shows customers how to pair your products to create a beautiful office space, might be a success with only 600 views (if those views come from your target market). Yes, it’s about shareability, but shareability among your target market is key .


Millennials are spending less time watching broadcast television channels and more time watching video on their mobile devices, laptops or their smart TV. Why would you want to be locked into a television channel structure when you can choose what you want to watch and when? By 2030, millennials will comprise 75 percent of the global workforce, making it hard to ignore video platforms that resonate so well with this key audience .
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Hints, tips and tricks to help you be better informed

Revolutionising Corporate Video in 2024 with Create x Wonder

As we approach 2024, the landscape of corporate video is evolving, offering unprecedented opportunities for brands to connect with their audience. For those seeking Auckland corporate video production, Create x Wonder stands at the forefront, ready to navigate these changes with innovative solutions and exceptional content.

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Using Video Content to Enhance Your Brand's Online Presence

In the digital landscape of 2023, video content has become an indispensable tool for brands aiming to solidify their online presence. With the rapid shift towards visual media, incorporating video into your digital strategy is no longer optional but essential for staying relevant and engaging with your audience effectively. This blog explores how businesses, particularly in Auckland, can leverage video content to enhance their brand's visibility and connect with customers on a deeper level.

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Using Video Production to Enhance Employee Training Programs in New Zealand

Employee training is a critical component of any successful business. Traditional training methods can often be time-consuming and inconsistent. However, incorporating video production into your training programs can revolutionise the way your employees learn and retain information. Here’s how video production can enhance employee training programs in New Zealand.

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Top Trends in Video Production for 2024 in Auckland

As 2024 unfolds, Auckland’s video production scene is witnessing exciting transformations. From the latest technologies to innovative formats, businesses are finding new ways to captivate audiences and boost their marketing strategies. Here are the key trends shaping video production in Auckland this year.

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How to Choose the Right Video Production Company in New Zealand

Choosing the right video production company is crucial for the success of your project. With so many options available, it can be challenging to decide which company will best meet your needs. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision.

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Enhancing Internal Communication Processes with Corporate Videos in Auckland

Enhancing Internal Communication Processes with Corporate Videos in Auckland

Effective internal communication is the backbone of any successful business. In Auckland, many companies are turning to corporate videos to improve communication, foster collaboration, and boost productivity. Here’s how your business can leverage corporate videos to enhance internal communication processes.

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How Corporate Video Can Transform Your Auckland Business

How Corporate Video Can Transform Your Auckland Business

As the founder of Create X Wonder, I've seen firsthand how corporate videos have become indispensable tools for businesses looking to stand out in Auckland's competitive market. These videos are more than just marketing tools; they're strategic assets that can transform your business by enhancing your brand's visibility and fostering deeper connections with your audience. In this blog, I'll explore the integral role of corporate video in modern business strategies and share how my team crafts videos that achieve real results.

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The Future of Brand Storytelling: Video Production in Auckland

As the digital landscape evolves, so does the art of brand storytelling. Here in Auckland, where urban dynamism meets stunning natural backdrops, my team and I at Create X Wonder have embraced video production as a crucial medium for telling compelling brand stories. In this blog, I want to share how we’ve leveraged the latest advancements in video production to enhance narrative impact, showcasing why we are a go-to resource for innovative storytelling in Auckland.

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Maximising Your Video Advertising ROI in Auckland

As businesses in Auckland embrace the digital age, video advertising has become a critical component of marketing strategies, offering a dynamic way to connect with audiences and convert views into tangible outcomes. The unique landscape of Auckland, with its diverse demographics and vibrant culture, provides an ideal backdrop for brands looking to leverage video advertising to its full potential. This blog delves into effective strategies for maximising your video advertising ROI in 2023, ensuring that your investment not only captures attention but also drives meaningful business results.

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Things You Need To Know To Be Successful In Corporate Video Production in Auckland

Corporate videos are targeted primarily towards a company’s core customers or internal clients. Some examples of corporate videos include training video production for new employees or videos depicting financial results for the company’s investors.

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The Importance & Benefits of Corporate Videos

The online realm and business sphere in Auckland are bustling with activity, filled with myriad competitors vying for attention.

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Why Outsource Your Corporate Video Production in Auckland

Sure, you could create your own “video department” within your organisation, so you can make your own quality videos. Also, you could build your own mechanic’s shop; and that makes sense, right?

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Navigating Facebook Video Marketing Trends in 2024: Insights for Business Owners

As we step into 2024, the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, with Facebook remaining at the forefront of this transformation. For business owners, understanding and leveraging Facebook video marketing trends is not just advantageous; it's essential for staying competitive. Create X Wonder, a leader in video production services and digital marketing videos in Auckland, is here to guide you through these changes, ensuring your business not only adapts but thrives.

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Leveraging Video Content for Brand Growth: A 2023 Strategy Guide

In 2023, the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve rapidly, with video content emerging as a cornerstone of effective brand communication. As consumers increasingly favour visual and interactive content over traditional text-based formats, incorporating video into your brand’s growth strategy is no longer just an option; it’s a necessity. This guide will explore actionable strategies for leveraging video content to enhance your brand’s visibility, engagement, and conversion rates in 2023.

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The Art of Storytelling in Corporate Video Production

In the corporate world of 2023, video production has transcended traditional marketing, becoming a narrative powerhouse capable of forging deep connections with audiences. The art of storytelling in corporate video production is more than a trend; it's a strategic approach that humanises brands, conveying their values, mission, and the people behind the scenes in a manner that resonates on a personal level. This blog explores the transformative power of storytelling and how it can elevate your corporate video from mere content to a compelling brand story.

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Navigating the Challenges of Video Production in Auckland: A Comprehensive Guide

Creating impactful video content in Auckland in 2023 presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for businesses aiming to stand out in the digital landscape. From weather unpredictabilities to location permissions, the journey to producing a captivating video involves meticulous planning and execution. This guide offers practical advice and strategies for navigating the video production process in Auckland, ensuring your project not only reaches completion but also achieves its intended impact.

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The Impact of Testimonial Videos on Consumer Trust and Credibility

In the digital era of 2023, where online presence is pivotal for business success, testimonial videos have emerged as a powerful tool to build consumer trust and credibility. These authentic endorsements, directly from satisfied customers, serve not just as marketing material but as genuine proof of a brand's quality and reliability. Especially in a city as connected and competitive as Auckland, leveraging testimonial videos can significantly influence purchasing decisions. Let's delve into how testimonial videos can transform your brand's perception and why they're essential for your business this year.

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The Rise of Interactive Video Content? Engaging Your Audience Like Never Before

Interactive video content is setting a new benchmark for audience engagement in 2023, revolutionising the way brands in Auckland and across the globe connect with their viewers. This dynamic form of video content allows viewers to become active participants, offering them the power to influence the narrative, make choices, and interact with the content in real-time. As we delve deeper into the era of digital innovation, let’s explore why interactive video content is the key to captivating your audience like never before.

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Why Your Business Needs an Explainer Video in 2023

In the bustling digital marketplace of 2023, where consumer attention spans are shorter than ever, businesses face the challenge of communicating their value proposition quickly and effectively.

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The Importance of Video for Every Stage of Your Marketing Funnel

Videos can have a huge impact on attracting new audiences, educating leads, and converting (and delighting) customers.

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The Role Of A Corporate Video Company In Your Marketing Strategy

CAW Video Rebrands to Create x Wonder

After 7 years in business, CAW Video has rebranded to Create x Wonder.

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Why Your Business Needs a Corporate Video: The Benefits of Working with a Professional Company

Aside from creating products and offering services, a company needs to do things that build up its brand and improve its reputation.

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Maximising ROI with Corporate Videos: How to Measure Success

Working with an incredible Auckland corporate video company to create a video for your brand is a smart move, especially considering how digital people are nowadays.

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The Corporate Video Production Process: From Concept To Final Cut

All over the internet and in other forms of media, you can find videos advertising products and telling stories about countless things.

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How To Optimise Your Corporate Videos For Online Distribution

An incredible video created by a corporate video company can be magical.  

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5 Benefits Of Corporate Video Production For Your Company

If you regularly use the internet or social media to browse through news articles and interesting topics or even shop for new and exciting things, you most likely see engaging new videos daily.

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10 Videography Tips for More Professional-Looking Videos

A beautiful, professional video can attract, engage and influence the viewer.

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5 key goals marketers try to reach with video in 2023

If you are looking for video production services in Auckland, then you are probably already aware that video is the strongest marketing tool in your arsenal, and you are now ready to produce a killer video for your brand.

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Client testimonial video – why you should use one in 2023

If you’re looking for a way to close more deals and boost sales, then a client testimonial video is exactly the social proof you need!

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Things To Consider Before Hiring A Video Maker

There’s nothing quite like a well-made, engaging video to get people to notice your brand. A talented video maker can make your Auckland business stand out by using innovative video-making tactics, clever writing, outstanding visuals and anything else that’ll get people excited about the message you are trying to send.

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5 Benefits of a sales video

Sales representatives have long used video conferencing and webcams to connect with potential customers, but the use of video in sales processes has skyrocketed in recent years. Attributed to advances in technology, video is now more accessible and affordable than ever before.

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The power of video during an economic downturn

As businesses around the world face an economic downturn, it’s more important than ever to stay in front of your customers. One of the most powerful tools you can use to do this  is video.

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How to choose a video production partner that’s right for you

When it comes to video production, choosing the right partner is essential. The right partner will understand your vision, have a strong portfolio, and be available when you need them.

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What is the average budget for a brand video?

It all depends on what outcome you are looking for. We like to fully understand what your goal is, and we generally tailor a solution to this goal.

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9 ways to increase the visibility of your video

So you have created an amazing video. What do you do with it? Here are 9 ways to increase the visibility of  your video

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Why video production is imperative to your marketing budget

The world has changed and gone are the days of television broadcast advertising.

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Social media driven content

Tiktok is video-driven short format content and has surpassed other platforms with 1 billion monthly active users.

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Should you create digital content with your phone?

Should you create digital content with your phone? This is one of those topics that sends chills down our spine.

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Corporate Video Provider – Auckland

If you are looking to get a corporate video produced in Auckland, there are a few considerations.

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Animated Explainer videos!

Animated explainer videos are short videos that help to illustrate complex ideas in simple, engaging, and meaningful ways in less than 2 minutes.

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Sustainability Stories

There is a common theme occurring in many of the projects that we have worked on lately. Sustainability Stories.

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Recruitment Videos – an effective tactic to attract talent!

A recruitment video is a highly impactful way of promoting your business online.

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Beauty Product Video – Emma Lewisham

We know we say this a lot but we are extremely PROUD of this one! We recently worked on a beauty product video for the highly respected Emma Lewisham beauty brand.

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Producing a Sales Video – Nissan Juke case study

If increasing your brand’s engagement online, and boosting sales is something you want to achieve, then a sales video is exactly what you need.  Read on about how producing a sales video may be the right tactic for you.

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Why is video content for online retail stores a must have?

Video production is not a nice to have its a must-have, says  Marc van der Putten, Business Development Manager at STORM.

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Does social media video content work for businesses?

Social Media Marketing in 2020 is bigger than ever and using a well-planned, captivating and creative Social Media Video can help grow your business post-COVID-19.

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What is a company overview video?

What is a company overview video? Well, it’s exactly what it says it is…  It’s a video that gives your audience an overview of your business.

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How do you go about choosing the right video production company for your business?

How do you go about choosing the right video production company for your business? Find out more

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Corporate Video Production: A Step-By-Step Guide To Making Your Next Video

An astounding video masterfully created by a corporate video company can do amazing things for your New Zealand business.

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Is the corporate video dead in 2024

There is a perception that the corporate video is "dead" in 2024? Is this true or can we expect to see long format corporate video back and engaging in 2024?

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Mastering Video Advertising in Auckland: Strategies and Insights

Mastering Video Advertising in Auckland: Strategies and Insights

As the founder of Create X Wonder, I've navigated the evolving landscape of video advertising in Auckland, witnessing firsthand the profound impact it can have on a brand’s reach and engagement. Video advertising is no longer just an option; it's a critical component of effective digital marketing strategies. In this blog, I'll share the insights and strategies my team and I use to create compelling video ads that captivate audiences and drive results.

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